
URI Online Judge | 1045 Triangle Types (Solution)

Problem Link: URI Online Judge | 1045 Triangle Types Adapted by Neilor Tonin, URI   Brazil Timelimit: 1 Read 3 double numbers (A, B and C) representing the sides of a triangle and arrange them in decreasing order, so that the side A is the biggest of the three sides. Next, determine the type of triangle that they can make, based on the following cases always writing an appropriate message: if A ≥ B + C, write the message:  NAO FORMA TRIANGULO if A 2  = B 2  + C 2 , write the message:  TRIANGULO RETANGULO if A 2  > B 2  + C 2 , write the message:  TRIANGULO OBTUSANGULO if A 2  < B 2  + C 2 , write the message:  TRIANGULO ACUTANGULO if the three sides are the same size, write the message:  TRIANGULO EQUILATERO if only two sides are the same and the third one is different, write the message:  TRIANGULO ISOSCELES Input The input...